Name Hersteller Label
128 in 1  Unknown  Taiwan V-case
16 games  Unknown Taiwan 2600 compatible (CIB)
16 games in one (A)  Unknown Multi-Games (boxed)
16 games in one (B)  Unknown Multi-Games (boxed)
16 in 1 Atari 
2 in 1
2 Pak Special: Alien Force/Hoppy  H.E.S. 
2 Pak Special: Challenge/Surfing H.E.S.
2 Pak Special: Dolphin/Pigs'N'Wolf  H.E.S.
2 Pak Special: Dungeon Master/Creatur Strike H.E.S.
2 Pak Special: Motocross/Boom Bang H.E.S.
2 Pak Special: Planet Patrol/Wall Defender H.E.S.
2 Pak Special: Space Voyage/Fire Alert H.E.S.
2 Pak Special: Star Warrior/Frogger H.E.S.
32 games  Unknown Taiwan 2600 compatible (boxed)
32 Games
Unknown Taiwan V-case
32 in 1  Atari (CIB)
3-D Tic-Tac-Toe
Atari t,p
4 Game in one  Bit Corp.  pink
4 Game in one  Bit Corp. yellow
4 Game in one  Bit Corp. blue
4 Game in one  Bit Corp. green
4 in 1 Spacevision
4 in 1

8 games in one (T06)  Unknown Multi-Games (boxed)
8 in 1 Spacevision
A Game Of Concentration  Atari t(CIB)
Action Force  Parker 
Adventure  Atari 3t,3p
Spectacular Videogame 
Adventures of Tron
M Network 
Air Sea Battle  Atari t#,3t,2p
Alices Abenteuer  Quelle 
Alien 20th Century Fox 
Alien's Return  ITT  (CIB)
Alpha Beam With Ernie  Atari CCW
Amidar  Parker
Angeln I Ariola  PGP237
Angriff der Luftflotten
Arcade Pinball Sears  t+C65
Armor Ambush M Network
Armor Ambush Telegames  s
Assault  Bomb 
Asterix  Atari 3s
Asterix  Supervision 
Asteroid Fire  Home Vision  w(ins.)
Asteroids  Atari 2p,2s,r
Asteroids  Sears t
Astro Attack Goliath/Hot Shot 
Astroblast Telegames s
M Network
Astrowar  Goliath Video System  2t(boxed)
Atari Video Cube  Atari s
Atlantis  Imagic  t(ins),w
Aufruhr im Zoo  Quelle
Bachelor Party/Gigolo  Mystique 
Bachelorette Party/Burning Desire  Mystique
Backgammon  Atari 2t
Barnstorming  Activision  2p
Base attack  Home Vision w
Base attack  Unknown Taiwan Double
Baseball Telegames s
Baseball  Sears t
Basic Math  Atari t#,t(CIB)
Basic Programming  Atari t,p
Unknown Taiwan SP-208
Basket Ball/Cowboy/Boxing/Outlaw
Unknown Taiwan V-case
Basketball  Atari 5t,4p(2CIB),r(CIB)
Basketball  Sears t
Battlezone  Atari 3s(2CIB),2r
Bermuda Triangle
Data Age 
Berzerk  Atari 3p(ins)
Sears p
Big Bird’S Egg Catch  Atari CCW(CIB)
Billard Quelle (C21OVP)
Black Hole  Unknown Taiwan Double
Black Hole
Goliath/Hot Shot (ins.)
Black Jack Sears p
Blackjack  Atari t#,t
Blueprint  CBS 
BMX Air Master TNT 
BMX Air Master  Atari r(ins)
Bobby Geht Heim Bit Corp. b
Bobby Geht Nach Hause Quelle
Bobby Geht Nach Hause  Bit Corp. b
Bobby is Going Home
Bit Corp. Re-release
Bobby is going Home
Unknown Taiwan 2600 compatible (boxed)
Boing!  First Star Software 
Boom Bang  Unknown Taiwan Cooper Black
Bowling  Atari 3t,2p(CIB)
Bowling  Sears t
Ariola PGP234
Boxing  Activision
Brain Games Sears t
Brain Games  Atari t,p
Breakaway IV Sears t
Break-Down  Dynamics  (CIB)
Breakout  Atari 2t,p(CIB)
Buck Rogers Imagic (Brasil)
Buck Rogers SEGA 
Bump’N’Jump Telegames s
Bumper Bash
M Network
Cakewalk  CommaVid 
Canyon Bomber  Atari 2t,p
Goliath/Hot Shot (ins.)
Car Race  Zellers Style 
Carnival CBS 3t(CIB)
Carnival  Coleco 
Carri Armati Fantasma
Bit Corp. Fuji
Casino  Atari 2t(CIB),2p
Catch Time
Suntek/RainbowVision  SS-015
Centipede  Atari 6s(CIB),r
Centipede  Colecovision 
Championship Soccer  Atari t
Chase  Sears t
Chase the Chuckwagon Spectravideo
Checkers Sears t+C132
Checkers  Activision
Chess  Unknown (CIB)
China Syndrom Spectravideo
Chopper Command  Activision 2p(CIB),w,HES
Circus Sears t
Circus Atari Atari 2t(ins),2p(ins)
Codebreaker Sears t
Codebreaker  Atari 2t,p
Col 'N'
Unknown Taiwan V-case(boxed)
Combat  Atari 3t,p(CIB)
Commando Raid Carrere Video 
Commando Raid  U.S.Games 
Condor Attack  Goliath Video System 2t,T-Handle(boxed)
Condor Attack
Funvision (Ultravision) V-Case
Congo Bongo SEGA
Cookie Monster Munch  Atari CCW(CIB)
Copy Card Unit  Home Vision Special
Cosmic Ark  Imagic t
Cosmic Creeps  Telesys 
Cosmic Swarm  CommaVid (CIB)
Cosmic Town ITT (CIB)
Cosmic War  Home Vision w(ins.)
Zellers Style
Cracker Pet  Zellers Style 2b,Taiwan 2600 compatible (boxed)
Activision p((ins)
Crazy Climber
Atari s
Criminal Pursuit
Unknown Taiwan TP-6xx
Cross Force Spectravideo
Crossbow  Atari 4r(CIB)
Cruise Missile Froggo  (boxed)
Crystal Castles  Atari 6s,r(CIB)
Suntek/RainbowVision SS-019
Daimon Attack  Zellers Style
Dancing Plate
Bit Corp. Re-release
Dark Cavern
M Network
Dark Chambers  Atari r(CIB)
DC-II (Wall Defender/Great Escape)  Bomb (CIB)
Deadly Discs  Telegames s
Deadly Duck  20th Century Fox p(ins)
Decathlon Activision 2p,w,b(ins)
Defender Sears p
Defender  Atari 9p,Special(CIB),r
Defender II  Atari 2r
Fantastic Game
Pet Boat
Demolition Herby
Demon Attack  Imagic t,2w
Demons to Diamonds  Atari 2p(ins)
Der hungrige Panda  Quelle
Der Kleine Bär Quelle
Der moderne Ritter
Der Vielfrass Quelle
Desert Falcon  Atari 3r(CIB)
Dice Puzzle Sancho  (boxed)
Die Hungrigen Frösche Quelle
Die Ratte und die Karotten  Quelle
Die Springteufel  Quelle
Die Unterwasser-Bestien  Quelle
Dig Dug  Atari 4s,r(CIB)
Dodge 'Em  Atari t,5p(CIB),r(CIB)
Dodger Cars  Sears p
Dolphin  Activision
Donkey Kong CBS 3t
Donkey Kong Coleco
Donkey Kong Unknown Taiwan V-case
Donkey Kong  Atari 2r
Donkey Kong Junior CBS
Donkey Kong Junior  Atari 2r
Donkey Kong Junior  Coleco
Donkey Kong
Fantastic Game Pet Boat
Doogeem  Zellers Style
Double Dragon  Activision Salu
Double Dunk  Atari 2r(CIB)
Dragon Treasure  Hi-Score 
Dragonfire  Imagic t
Dragster  Activision
Dschungel Boy Quelle
E.T. the Extra Terrestrial  Atari s
Eddy Langfinger, der Museumsdieb  Quelle
Eggomania U.S.Games
Eggomania  Carrere Video
Eishockey-Fieber Quelle
Encounter at L-5 Gameworld 
Enduro  Activision p,w
Enduro  Century 
Fantastic Game Pet Boat
Espial  Tigervision 
Exocet  Sancho
F-14 Tomcat Absolute Entertainment  2w
Fast Eddie  20th Century Fox
Fatal Run  Atari 2r(CIB)
Fathom Imagic t
Felix Return  Goliath/Hot Shot
Feuerwehr im Einsatz  Quelle
Fighter Pilot  Activision 2b(silver box)
Fire Birds ITT (CIB)
Fire Burg  Unknown Taiwan V-case
Fire Fighter Imagic t
Fireball  Starpath 
Fireball  Starpath
Fishing Derby  Activision
Fishing Durbi
Unknown Taiwan 2600 compatible (boxed)
Flag Capture Atari t,p
Flippern  Unknown Taiwan Double
Football Sears t
Football  Atari 2t,p
Football  Unknown Taiwan V-case
Goliath/Hot Shot
Sancho (boxed)
Fox & Goat Unknown Taiwan Double
Fox & Pig
Unknown Taiwan short (boxed)
Freeway  Activision 3p(ins)
Zellers Style
Frisco  Home Vision b,w
Frog Man
Unknown Taiwan short (boxed)
Frogger H.E.S.
Frogger  Parker 2p
Frogger  Unknown home vision style
Frogger  Unknown Taiwan V-case
Fantastic Game Pet Boat
Frogger, The official  Starpath
Frogs and Flies  Telegames s
Frogs and Flies
M Network
Fuchs und Schweinchen Schlau  Quelle
Fun with numers  Atari t
Fussball  Ariola PGP235(CIB)
G.I.Joe Cobra Strike  Parker
Galactic Funvision  V-Case
Galactic Goliath/Hot Shot 2p
Galactic Quelle
Galaxian  Atari 7s,r
Gangster Alley Spectravideo
Gas Hog Spectravideo
Gefecht im All  Quelle
General re-treat/Westward Ho Playaround 
Ghost Manor/Spikes Peak  Xonox 
Ghost Manor/Spikes Peak  Xonox (CIB)
Ghostbusters Activision 3b(silver box),HES(CIB)
Ghostbusters II  Salu  salu,w
Go for Gold Pak (Summer& Wintergames) EPYX  (boxed)
Golf  Atari 2t,p
Gopher  Carrere Video
Gopher  U.S.Games
Gorf  CBS (CIB)
Grand Prix  Activision 2p(ins),Ariola(CIB)
Grand Prix
Unknown Taiwan V-case
Gravitar Atari s,r(boxed)
Great Escape  Bomb
Gremlins  Atari 2s
Ground Zero  Goliath/Hot Shot
Guardian  Apollo  p(ins)
Gunslinger Sears 2t
H.E.R.O.  Activision
H.E.R.O.  Century
Hangman  Atari t,p
Haunted House Atari 2p(boxed)
Haunted House Sears p
Hell Driver  ITT
Hey! Stop!  Suntek/RainbowVision SS-016
Hey! Stop!  Suntek/RainbowVision SS-012
Home Run  Atari t,p
Human Cannonball  Atari t
Hunt & Score  Atari t
Ice Hockey Unknown Taiwan Cooper Black
Ice Hockey  Activision 2p
Ikari Warriors  Atari r
Im Reich der Spinne  Quelle
Im Schutz der Drachen Quelle
Inca Gold  Funvision T-Handle
Inca Gold  Zellers Style
Indy 500  Atari t#,t,p
Infernal Tower  Carrere Video (ins)
Infiltrate  Apollo
Infiltrate  Apollo
International Soccer
M Network
Jagt auf Diamanten-Frisco  Quelle
James Bond 007
Jawbreaker  Tigervision
Journey Escape  Data Age
Journey Escape  Data Age
Joust  Atari 2s(CIB),2r
Jr. Pacman  Atari 3r(boxed)
Jumping Jack  Dynamics (CIB)
Jungle Fever  Mystique
Jungle Hunt  Atari 4s,r
Jungle Hunt  Unknown
Kaboom!  Activision 3p
Kampf dem Steinfresser Quelle
Kampf im Asteroiden-Gürtel  Quelle
Kampf um die Schatzinsel  Quelle
Kangaroo  Atari 5s(CIB),r(boxed)
Karate  Froggo
Karate  Funvision (Ultravision) T-Handle, V-Case
Katastrophen-Einsatz Quelle
Keystone Kapers  Activision (ins)
King Arthur
Unknown Taiwan Double (CIB)
King Kong  Tigervision 2p
Klax  Atari r(CIB)
Krieg der Sterne  Ariola PGP233
Krull  Atari 2s(CIB)
Kung Fu Superkicks Telegames s
Kung-Fu Master  Activision b(silver box),HES(CIB)
Unknown Taiwan 2600 compatible (boxed)
Labyrinth Quelle
Landung in der Normandie Quelle
Landungskommando  Quelle short
Laser Base ITT
Laser Blast  Activision 2p
Laser Gates  Imagic t
Laser Loop Dynamics
Lilly Adventure Unknown Taiwan Double (CIB)
Lilly Adventure  Home Vision w(CIB)
Lock’N’Chase Telegames s
M Network
M.A.D.  U.S.Games
Carrere Video
Maech  Unknown Taiwan 2600 compatible
Mafia  Unknown Taiwan 2600 compatible
Goliath/Hot Shot (ins.)
Suntek/RainbowVision SS-010
Marauder  Tigervision
Marine Wars Konami 
Mario Bros  Atari 4s(ins),r(CIB),HES
Master Builder (Super-Baumeister)  Spectravideo (boxed)
Math  Sears t
Math Grand Prix
Atari p(CIB)
Maze Sears p
Maze Craze  Atari t(CIB),p
Maze Mania Sears t
Mega Force
20th Century Fox
Megaforce Voyage  Spacevision
Activision (boxed)
Mein Weg
Memory Match  Sears t
Meteor Defense ITT (CIB)
Midnight Magic  Atari 6r
Millipede  Atari 2s,3r(CIB)
Miner 2049'er  Tigervision
Miner 2049'er II  Tigervision
Mines of Minos CommaVid
Miniature golf  Atari 2t,p(CIB)
Missile Command Sears t
Missile Command  Atari 7p,r(CIB)
Missile Command  Unknown home vision style
Missile Control  Video Gems 
Missile War Goliath/Hot Shot
Mission 3000  Bit Corp. b
Mission 3000 A.D.
Bit Corp. PG207
Mission Survive  Video Gems
Mole Hunter
Suntek/RainbowVision SS-023
Monster aus dem All  Unknown Taiwan SP-206
Montezumas Revenge  Parker
Moon Patrol  Atari 5s,r
Moonsweeper  Imagic t
Motocross Quelle
Motocross  Unknown Taiwan Double
Suntek/RainbowVision SS-022
Motorcross Unknown Taiwan Double
Motorodeo  Atari r(CIB)
Mountain King  CBS
Mountain Man  ITT
Mouse Trap Atari r(CIB)
Mouse Trap CBS 2t
Mouse Trap  Coleco
Mr. Do  CBS t
Mr. Postman Bit Corp. PG209(CIB),b
Mr. T  Unknown Taiwan Double
Ms. Pac-Man  Atari 4s(CIB)
My Way  Unknown Taiwan Cooper Black
Name this game  U.S.Games
Netmaker  Suntek/RainbowVision SS-006
Nexar, The Challenge of  Spectravideo
Night Driver Sears t
Night Driver  Atari t,2p
Nightmare Sancho (boxed)
Nuts  Technovision 
Obelix  Atari 2s
Obftacle Chafe
Unknown Video Game Program
Carrere Video (ins)
Off The Wall  Atari r
Oink!  Activision
Omega Race  CBS
Open Sesame  Bit Corp. PG204,Re-release
Open Sesame  Goliath Video System 3t(boxed)
Orbit-Base  Dynamics
Oscar’S Trash Race  Atari CCW(CIB)
Othello Atari t,2p(white box)
Othello Sears t
Outer Space  Sears t,p
Outlaw  Atari 2t,2p
Outlaw  Unknown Taiwan V-case
Pac Kong  Goliath/Hot Shot 2p(ins.)
Pac Kong
Funvision V-Case
Pac Man  Atari 6p(CIB)
Pac-Kong Quelle
Pac-Man Sears p
Unknown Taiwan V-case
Panda (Quest)
Suntek/RainbowVision SS-035
Panda Chase  Home Vision w
Parachute  Home Vision w(ins.)
Paris Attack Unknown Taiwan Double
Pelé's Soccer  Atari 4p
Pengo  Atari s
Phantom Tank Goliath Video System 3t(boxed)
Phantom Tank
Bit Corp. PG203
Phantompanzer Bit Corp. b
Phantom-Panzer  Quelle
Phantom-Tank  Quelle
Pharaoh's Curse Technovision TVS1003(boxed)
Phoenix  Atari 3s(CIB),r(CIB)
Piatto Danzante
Bit Corp. Fuji
Pick & Pile Salu
Pigs in Space  Atari Special
Pit Fall
Unknown Taiwan V-case
Pitfall II Activision
Pitfall! Activision 2p(CIB),HES
Planet Patrol  Spectravideo (CIB)
Plaque Attack  Activision
Plate Mania
Home Vision w
Polaris  Tigervision
Pole Position  Atari 6s(CIB),r(CIB)
Pong Sports  Sears t
Pooyan  Konami
Popeye  Parker t,p
20th Century Fox
Post Man
Unknown Taiwan 2600 compatible (boxed)
Pressure Cooker
Activision (ins)
Private Eye  Activision w
Pro Wrestling  Absolute Entertainment w
Puzzled World  Unknown Taiwan Cooper Black
Pygmy  Unknown Taiwan Double
Q*bert Parker
Q*Bert  Atari 4r(CIB)
Quest For Quintana Roo Telegames s
Quick Step Imagic t
Rabbit Transit Starpath
Race  Sears t
Racing Car  Home Vision b
Racquetball Apollo
Radar  Zellers Style
Radar Lock  Atari r
Raiders of the Lost Ark  Atari s(ins)
Raketen-Angriff  Ariola PGP236
Ram It Telesys
Rampage  Activision p(ins),signed(boxed)
Raumbasen-Attacke  Quelle
Raumpatrouille Quelle
Reactor  Parker
Realsports Baseball Atari s
Realsports Boxing  Atari 4r
Realsports Football  Atari 2s(boxed)
Realsports Soccer  Atari 6s(CIB),r(CIB)
Realsports Tennis  Atari 8s(CIB),r(boxed)
Realsports Volleyball  Atari 2s,2r(CIB)
Repro Cart  Home Vision Special
Revenge of the Beefsteak Tomatoes
20th Century Fox
Riddle of the Sphinx  Imagic w,t
River Battle  Unknown Taiwan V-Case
River Raid  Activision 2p
River Raid II Activision b,HES(boxed)
River Raid II
Unknown Taiwan Double
River Raid
Fantastic Game Pet Boat
Road Runner  Atari r(CIB)
Robin Hood  Quelle
Robin Hood/Sir Lancelot Xonox
Robin Hood/Super Kung-Fu Xonox
Robot Fight  Home Vision w(ins.)
Robot Tank Activision
Roc’N Rope CBS
Room of Doom  CommaVid
Save Our Ship
Schiessbude Quelle
Schnapp die Apfeldiebe  Quelle
Schnecke und Eichhörnchen
Bit Corp. 2b
Schtroumpfs  CBS
Schussel der Polizistenschreck
Sea Hawk  Unknown Taiwan V-case
Sea Hawk
Froggo (box only)
Sea Houck  Zellers Style
Sea Hunt Froggo (boxed)
Sea Monster Goliath/Hot Shot
Sea Monster  Goliath Video System 2t(boxed)
Sea Monster
Bit Corp. PG201
Seahawk  Sancho
Seaquest Activision p(ins)
Secret Quest  Atari r(boxed)
See Saw
Unknown Taiwan Double
Bit Corp. b
Atari r
Sesam Öffne Dich  Bit Corp. b,PG204
Shark Attack  Apollo
Skate Boardin  Absolute  w
Skeet Shoot Apollo
Ski Hunt  Home Vision w
Ski Hunt  Unknown Taiwan Cooper Black
Skiing  Activision 2p
Ski-Jagd  Unknown Taiwan SP-215
Sky Alien  Home Vision w(CIB),b
Sky Diver Atari 2t
Sky Jinks  Activision
Sky Scrapper  Goliath/Hot Shot
Skydiver Unknown Taiwan Cooper Black
Slot Machine
Atari t
Slot Racers  Atari 2t,p(CIB)
Slots Sears t
Smash Hit Pak H.E.S.
Smurf CBS 5t
Smurf Rescue in Gargamel's Castle
Smurfs' Save The Day
Snail against Squirrel  Bit Corp. PG208(ins)
Sneak'n Peek  U.S.Games
Snoopy and the Red Baron Atari Special
Soccer Telegames s
Soccer Unknown home vision style
Fantastic Game Pet Boat
Solar Fox CBS 2t
Solaris  Atari 4r(CIB)
Sorcerer's Apprentice  Atari Special(boxed), Monaco
Space Attack
M Network
Space Eagle  Goliath/Hot Shot
Space Invaders Sears t
Space Invaders  Atari 2t,3p(CIB),2s,2r
Space Jockey  Carrere Video
Space Jockey  U.S.Games
Space Monster  FunVision T-Handle
Space Raid  Unknown short
Space Raider
Goliath/Hot Shot (ins.)
Space Robot Dimax/Sinmax
Space Robot Goliath Video System 2t
Space Robot Unknown Taiwan Cooper Black
Space Robot
Fantastic Game Pet Boat
Space Robot
Goliath/Hot Shot
Space Shuttle  Activision
Space Tunnel  Bit Corp. Re-release
Space Tunnel  Goliath Video System t(boxed)
Space War  Atari t,p
SpaceMaster X-7
20th Century Fox
Spaidder fight  Zellers Style
Sparker Gardon  Zellers Style
Speedway IV Sears t
Spelling  Sears t
Spider Fighter  Activision p,HES
Spider Kong  Goliath Video System 2t,T-Handle
Spider Maze
K-Tel Vision  T-Handle
Spider Monster  FunVision T-Handle, V-Case
Spiderdroid Froggo (boxed)
Spiderman  Quelle
Spider-Man  Parker
Springer  Tigervision
Sprintmaster  Atari r
Squeeze Box U.S.Games
Squirrel and Snail Goliath/Hot Shot (CIB)
Stampede Activision 2p
Star Raiders Sears p
Star Raiders  Atari 2p(CIB)
Star Ship  Atari t#(CIB),t
Star Trek  SEGA
Star Voyager  Imagic t
Star Wars: Jedi Arena  Parker
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi  Parker
Star Wars: The Arcade Game Parker
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back  Parker
Stargate  Atari 3s
Starmaster  Activision 3p
Steeplechase  Sears t
Video Gems Dealers copy
Unknown Taiwan SP-204
Stopp die Gangster
Strahlen der Teufelsvögel  Quelle
Strategy X  Konami
Street Racer  Atari t#,t,2p(CIB)
Stronghold CommaVid
Subterranea  Imagic w
Summer Games  EPYX w,g
Super Baseball  Atari r(boxed)
Super Breakout Sears t
Super Breakout  Atari 2p
Super Challenge Baseball  M Network
Super Challenge Football
M Network
Super Cobra  Parker (CIB)
Super Ferrari Quelle
Super Football  Atari 2r(boxed)
Supercharger  Starpath
Super-Cowboy beim Rodeo  Quelle
Superman  Atari 2t,2p
Super-Man  Unknown Taiwan V-case
Surfer's Paradise Video Gems
Surround  Atari t#,3t,p
Swordquest Fireworld  Atari s
Swordquest Fireworld  Atari s
Swordquest Waterworld Atari s
Tank-Plus  Sears t
Tanks War Home Vision w(ins.)
Tanzende Teller  Bit Corp. b
Tapeworm  Spectravideo 2t(CIB)
Target Fun  Sears t
Task Force Froggo
Taz  Atari 2s
Teddy Apple  Home Vision w(ins.)
Teller-Jonglieren  Quelle
Tennis  Activision
Tennis  Salu
Tennis  Unknown Taiwan Cooper Black
Home Vision (ins. only)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Wizard Video Games 
Theamk  Unknown Taiwan 2600 compatible
Threshold  Tigervision
Time Race FunVision V-Case
Time Race Goliath/Hot Shot 2p
Time Race
Suntek/RainbowVision SS-001(ins.)
Time Warp
FunVision T-Handle(ins.)
Title Match Pro Wrestling  Absolute w
Tomcat  Absolute (CIB)
Top Gun  Quelle
Home Vision w(ins.)
Towering Inferno  U.S.Games
Track & Field  Atari s
Treasure Below
Video Gems Standard, Dealers copy
Trick Shot  Imagic t
Tron Deadly Discs
M Network
Tuby Bird
Suntek/RainbowVision SS-020
Turmoil  20th Century Fox
Turmoil  Zellers Style
Tutankham  Parker
Tutti Frutti  Unknown Spectravision (CIB)
Tutti Frutti  Unknown Spectravision
UFI und sein gefährlicher Einsatz Quelle
Ungeheuer der Tiefe  Quelle
Unidentified Game Fantastic Game Fantastic Game
Unidentified Game
Unknown home vision style, SS-053
Universal Chaos Telegames s
Vanguard  Atari 4s(CIB),r
Venture CBS 3t
Venture  Atari 2r(CIB)
Venture  Coleco
Video Checkers  Atari 2t,p(CIB)
Video Chess Sears t
Video Chess  Atari 2t,p
Video Olympics  Atari tn,3t,p
Video Pinball  Atari 3p
Vogel Flieh! Quelle
Volleyball  Unknown Taiwan Cooper Black
Unknown Taiwan Double
Vom Himmel durch die Hölle  Quelle
Vulture Attack
K-Tel Vision
Wabbit  Apollo
Wachroboter Jagt Jupy Quelle
Wall Break  Home Vision w(ins.)
Wall Defender  Bomb (CIB)
War 2000  Home Vision w,b
War Stars Unknown home vision style
Warlords  Atari 2p(boxed)
Warlords  Sears t
Weltraumtunnel  Bit Corp. 2b
Weltraumtunnel  Quelle
Winter Games  EPYX 2w(silver box),g
Winterjagd  Quelle
Wizard of War  CBS
Word Zapper  U.S.Games
World End  Unknown Taiwan Double
World End
Home Vision b
Wüstenschlacht Quelle
Xenophobe  Atari r(CIB)
(Box only)
Yars' Attack Unknown Taiwan Cooper Black
Yars' Revenge Sears p
Yars' Revenge  Atari 4p,r(CIB)
Zaxxon CBS 3t
Z-Tack Bomb (ins.)