C    PicSil1    ©1982, CART1, green shows on right side of centipede's 3rd section, spider’s leg in upper left corner has one segment showing
   R    PicSil1    ©1982, CART1, green shows very little on right side of centipede’s 3rd section,
       spider’s leg in upper left corner has two segments showing, cannot see top joint
x C    PicSil1    ©1982, CART1, no green shows on right side of centipede's 3rd section,
       spider’s leg in upper left corner has two segments showing, can see top joint
x R    PicSil1    ©1982, CART1, EL: “Centipede-p”, PAL
x R    PicSil1    ©1982, CART2, EL: “Centipede-p”, PAL
   R    PicGr1    ©1985, CART1, EL: plastic, larger, orange font
x R    PicGr1    ©1987, CART3, “P” sticker on back, PAL
   R    PicGr1    ©1988, CART1
x R    PicGr1    ©1988, CART3, "Atari Corp."
x R    PicGr1    ©1988, CART3, "Atari Corporation", Printed in Hong Kong
x R    Picred2    ©1982, CART3, China, EL: paper, PAL